Olusegun Ogunsanwo, Rashidat Olabimtan & Hadir Alhassan-ewuoso

Due to social and economic inequalities, inclusive growth continues to be a serious concern in Nigeria, as it is in many other developing nations. With its emphasis on social mission, empowerment, sustainability, and scalability, social entrepreneurship has become a potential strategy to solve these issues and promote equitable development. This article explores the role of social entrepreneurship in promoting inclusive growth in Nigeria by engaging a survey research design which was conducted on 367 respondents drawn from an infinite population of farmers, wholesalers and retailers of the products of AACE Foods Sango Ota Ogun state. Simple random sampling technique was employed to select the required respondents while self-administered questionnaire on a 4-point Likert scale was used to obtain the necessary data. Data was analysed by means of multiple-linear regression with the aid of SPSS. The validity and reliability of the instrument were confirmed through component factor analysis and Cronbach alpha statistic at 92.42 and .891 respectively. Findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between social entrepreneurship and inclusive growth at 0.000 significant level, R2 =.890; p<0.05. Hence, the study concluded that there is a statistically significant and strong positive link between the dependent variable and the sub-variables, with p-values of 0.004, 0.000, 0.000, and 0.000, respectively and further recommended among others that the Nigerian government should create a supportive policy framework that recognizes, encourages and support the social mission intended in social entrepreneurship. Keywords: Social entrepreneurship, social mission, empowerment, scalability sustainability, Inclusive Growth 0150