Prof Ramos Asafo-Adjei

Speaker 1

Prof Ramos Asafo-Adjei

Lead Paper Presenter


Dean, Centre for Languages and Liberal Studies, Takoradi Technical University, Ghana

Personal Information

Prof. Ramos Asafo-Adjei lectures at the Centre for Languages and Liberal Studies (CELLIBS) of the Takoradi Technical University (TTU). He is the current Dean of CELLIBS. He has published research articles extensively in accredited journals, both local and international. He has three published books to his credit; he has presented papers at conferences and served as an assessor for journals, both local and international. His vision is to become one of the most accomplished English language scholars whose research findings help improve pedagogical and andragogical practices, the world over. His areas of research interest include English Language Assessment and Evaluation, Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Communication Skills (Academic Literacy), Human Resource Development and Tourism. 

In 2002, he gained admission to the University of Ghana, Legon, where he graduated with a combined major degree in English and Philosophy in 2006. In 2008, he was enrolled to the University of Cape-Coast’s Institute of Development Studies to study Human Resource Development. He graduated with a Master of Arts degree in Human Resource Development in 2010. He, thereafter, gained admission to the University of Ghana’s Linguistics Department in 2011 to study for another master’s degree in Teaching of English as a Second Language (TESL). He graduated in 2012. In 2021, he gained his PhD in English Language Teaching (ELT) from the University of Venda in South Africa.

In TTU, he has served on a number of boards and committees. Some of them and his respective roles are: Committee to Review a Draft TTU History Book (Chairman), Committee to Organise R. S. Blay Memorial Lecture (Member), Committee to Organise TTU’s 70th Anniversary Celebrations – 2024 (Member), Committee to Consider Merger of School of Graduate Studies and the Directorate for Research Innovation and Development (Chairman), Committee on GTEC’S Report (Member), Takoradi Technical University Innovation and Technology Fair Publicity Committee (Member),  Joint Admissions Board (Member) and the Centre for Languages and Liberal Studies Appointments and Promotions Committee (Chairman). Others are:  Research, Conferences and Scholarships Committee (Member), Business Development Board (Member), International Programmes and External Linkages Committee (Member),  Distance and Continuing Education Board (Member), Governing Board - School of Graduate Studies (Member), Academic Planning and Quality Assurance Committee (Member), CELLIBS Quality Assurance Committee (Member), Ad Hoc Committee to Review TTU Staff Handbook (Member) and the Takoradi Technical University’s Quarterly Newsletter Committee (Herald) (Chairman).

More so, Prof. Ramos Asafo-Adjei had served as Editor of the Takoradi Technical University’s Journal of Technology (TTUJOT) and the West Africa Dynamic Journal of Humanities, Social and Management Sciences and Education (WDJHSME). He has, additionally, served a reviewer for a number of international and local journals.

Pertaining to service outside the Takoradi Technical University, he has served as Tutor of Linguistics, Academic Writing and Literature on the distance programme organised by the University of Ghana (2010 to 2020). He is a pioneer scholar on the Ghana Institute of Management Public Administration’s (GIMPA) distance programme in the Western Region (2013-2015) where he served as Part-time Lecturer of Communication Skills and English language. Since 2014, he has also been serving as Part-time Lecturer of English Language, Human Resource Management and Development and Communication Skills on the distance programme organised by Valley View University.

He is serving as Co-Chair for the 15th Linguistics Association of Ghana Annual Conference to be held at TTU. He is also a member of the Disciplinary Committee of the Western Regional Football Association, and an Executive Member of Tumus Masqueraders’ Club. 

His leading hobbies are journalism and discussing of sports. In this wise, he served as a Political Analyst at old Spice FM in 2006. From 2007 to 2011, he worked aa a Sports Analyst at Goodnews FM and Help FM simultaneously. From August, 2011 to January, 2015, he served as a Sports Analyst at Kyzz FM. From March, 2015 to November, 2016, he worked with Focus One Media Group, particularly, Beach FM, as a Sports Analyst. From November, 2017 to date, he has been working with Empire FM as a Sports Analyst.

Prof. Ramos Asafo-Adjei is a member of the following professional associations: the National Academic and Professional Writing Teachers’ Association (NAPTWTA), the Linguistics Association of Ghana (LAG), the Sports Writers’ Association of Ghana (SWAG), the Western Regional Broadcasters’ of Sports Association (WERBSA) and the Technical University Teachers’ Association of Ghana (TUTAG).