Chukwudumebi Ajao & Kikelomo Adekunle

This research work examines Technological innovation and profitability of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria, and the purpose is to investigate the effect of ATM and EMB on deposit money banks in Nigeria. The methodology of the study was quantitative in nature. Using financial statements of selected banks in Nigeria covering a period of 10 years (2011- 2020), the study employed multiple regression technique in the analysis of sourced data. Data were collected from secondary source through the financial statements of sampled deposit money Banks in Nigeria and was analyzed. The result of hypothesis one showed that ATM have a positive and significant effect on return on assets of deposit money banks in Nigeria (P-value = 0.005). Hypothesis two also confirm that Electronic mobile banking has a negative and insignificant effect on return on assets of deposit money banks in Nigeria (P-value = 0.608). The study recommends that banks should provide more ATM facilities and should be placed at vantage locations within the city to reduce distance and time use in accessing the facility. Banks should hire professional and expert to monitor and maintain ICT in the organization so as to reduce the rate of fraud encountered on Electronic Mobile Banking. Keywords: Profitability, Technology, Global System Mobile (GSM), Automated Teller Machine  0150