Florence Funke Adeosun & Oluwole Adegoke Adetula

Protein-energy malnutrition is perhaps the most significant health issue concerning young children in developing nations. In regions like sub-Saharan Africa, specifically Nigeria, this problem predominantly stems from inadequate feeding practices for infants and providing under nourishing complementary foods that lack essential nutrients. To combat this, enhancing the nutritional content of complementary foods at home through food-to-food fortification has proven effective in alleviating nutritional deficiencies within numerous economically disadvantaged communities. This study evaluated the quality attributes of locally produced complementary food. Maize, soybean, groundnut, plantain, carrot and date fruit were purchased, sorted and processed into flour. The different blend of Maize, Soybean, Groundnut, Carrot, Plantain and Date were mixed in the ratios of 100:0:0:0:0:0(A), 50:25:3:4:15:3(B), 50:30:3:4:10:3 (C), 50:35:3:4:5:3 (D) respectively. The proximate, micronutrients and anti-nutrients properties of the formulated products were determined in line with standard Analytical methods. The results of the proximate analysis of the complementary food blends showed an appreciable increase in protein (7.34-18.30%), ash (0.43- 0.86%), fat (2.34-5.39%, %), fibre (4.88-17.66%) and carbohydrate (54.12-63.15%) content. Similarly; the minerals and vitamin A content of the complementary foods also increased (Calcium; 18.44mg/100g – 26.47 mg/100g, iron; 4.67mg/100g – 5.11mg/100g; zinc; 0.89 – 2.12 mg/100g and vitamin A; 102.44 – 181.93 µg/100g) while the antinutrient contents were found to be practically minimal (tannin; 0.11-0.12%, phytate; 0.31-0.39% and oxalate; 1.03- 1.42%). The formulated complementary food has the potential to reduce protein-energy malnutrition in infants within developing nations by supplying the essential nutrients required for their optimal health and overall well-being. Keywords: Proximate, Micronutrients, Anti nutrients, Infants 0150