Kazeem .b. Akinbola, Phd; Olufemi. O. Oyeleke, Msc & Lukuman Musibau, Phd

Responsive actions towards taming the ugliness, which are associated with evolving realities that are being heralded by climatic turbulence, partly caused by many challenging issues that are linked to misuse, abuse, overuse, disuse and sometimes un-use of naturally-occurring assets, on the one hand, as well as wrongly implemented artificiallydevised mechanisms in the context of real estate and urban development, on the other hand. Altogether, they resultantly continue to plague the natural calmness of ecosystem and thereby place upon human beings in their manmade environments, the untold but avoidable hardship for which several innovative approaches, such as smart city concepts were birthed to address. Hence, the crux of this study investigated the readiness of various urban real estate stakeholders in accepting and also get themselves committed, by way of compliance with all sorts of regulations and even payments of charges and other associated costs, which are adduced to incorporation of greenery to urban real estate, by considering Lagos as a research setting. As an empirical study of quantitative nature, constructs and variables were evolved to measure the degree of readiness for the adoption of the green city concepts and built into 5-point Likert scaled questionnaire with 76 copies that were distributed via the deployment of simple random sampling among seven [7] categorised and carefully selected respondents: owners, users, buyers, sellers, neighbours, government and consultants, out of which 64 copies were retrieved, translating to distributionretrieval ratio of 84.21%, from which 55 copies were found to be valid after data screening and upon which statistical analysis using third order descriptive tools were performed. Among other things, the results at Cronbach alpha value of 0.875 and level of freedom at 99.9% showed that, real estate consultant exhibited the greatest level of readiness towards adoption the smart city concepts with a significant mean item weighting of 4.87 while tenants of real estate showed the least disposition to the adoption with 3.14 mean item score weighting which is seen to be fairly significant, while costs in terms of construction and maintenance remains as the most discouraging factor towards readiness, with relative importance index of 0.587, as well as having the duo of value of the real estate asset and quality of life with 0.984 and 0.979 respectively and closely competing as the most encouraging factors for readiness in adopting smart city concepts for urban real estate in Nigeria. The research concluded that socio-economic dimension with which value is driven and by decent life is being afforded are of greater essence that bottomlines the readiness of urban real estate stakeholders, while suggesting for evolvement of robust framework that aligns in equal or near-equal terms the other stakeholders’ interests in way to ensure impressive readiness for the adoption of the concepts of smart city by all Nigerians. Keywords: Green City Concepts, Readiness, Adoption, Urban Real Estate, Nigeria 0150