Adebanji, Samuel & Joseph, Elisha

Information Technology (IT) which also wrapped up the communication aspect of technology could be regarded as most life changing and fascinating technology used by people to handle information. It aids activities relating to information to gather, process, store and presentation of data. Information technology refers to modern technology based on electronics and computing, which incorporates the technologies of electronics, computing, networking and telecommunications. Information technology has been a vital aspect of life for all and sundry. It provides the provision of information services as a means of increasing awareness, guidance, training, research, e.t.c., for economic purposes. The world today has become a small village, where anyone can link the other with just a dial or teleview. This ease in access in the global world is not without Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This has become power to economic development in any world. In this wise, Africa, as part of the global world cannot be different in terms of her economy. She should fully utilize the effect of IT, to allow for the analysis and sending out of information in order to ensure smooth and efficient running of activities, provide self-service facilities which gives sustainable and economic security to her populace. The world of IT has made the entire nations a compact. Here, business organizations operate in a competitive environment, which is characterized by change and highly unpredictable economic climate, being leverage by IT. This paper takes a look at information technology to the economy of Africa, it is based on the principle/method of secondary data research for its compliment, by searching through the nets, books e.t.c. Keywords: Small Village, Information Technology, Economy. Africa 0150