Oludayo Oduwobi & Azeez Adeniji

The incidence of geohelminthic infections, particularly among poor human populations living in low and middleincome countries, continues to be a major public health concerns. It is widely recognized that school children carry the heaviest burden of morbidity due to intestinal helminthiasis. The eggs of four different types of helminths belonging to two phyla were isolated after the microscopic examination. They include Trichuris trichiura, hookworms (Necator americanus, Acylostoma duodenale), Taenia spp. and Ascaris lumbricoides. School Model II recorded the highest numbers with 18 Trichuris trichiura’s ova, 11 eggs of hookworms, 21 ova of Taenia spp. and 59 eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides. School Model III recorded the least numbers with 2 Trichuris trichiura’s ova and 5 eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides. The study shows that the pupils attending those two public primary schools (School Models I and II) are likely to be more susceptible to infections from geohelminths, as evidenced by the high prevalence of helminthic eggs detected in the soil samples collected from their schools’ playgrounds, than their counterparts attending those private schools. Personal hygiene and public health education should be tutored to pupils attending both public and private primary schools, with more emphasis on those attending public schools. Keywords: Incidence, Morbidity, Intestinal helminthiasis, Personal hygiene, Health education  0150