Herbert Ndubueze Otuosorchi, Sunny Nlerim Keje, & Reginald. I Hart

Digital switchover from analogue Television transmission to digital technology started in mid-2000 by many countries of the world, with only a few countries meeting the 2015 deadline set by the International Telecommunication Union, ITU, for all broadcasting stations world-wide to go digital. Nigeria is no exception to this digital evolution but was plagued by political and economic factors not until 2016 it was kicked-off in Jos, the Plateau State capital to beat the June 2017 deadline set by the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC). Digital switchover refers to the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting of all networks, including terrestrial, cable, satellite and DSL (digital subscriber lines). Digital technology expunges the ambiguity in analogue tele vision and enables TV stations to broadcast multiple channels with different programming and formats. This study examined the concept of digital switchover as a catalyst to unlocking the economic potential of Nigeria, while laying emphasis on the progress, challenges, and benefits of the analogue-digital switchover in the Nigerian broadcast industry also employing research technique, using books, articles and journals as secondary source of data. This research made use of technological determinismtheory to explain how digitalisation and the emergence of new media technologies have influenced the way and manner humans communicate in contemporary time. High quality transmissions, programme content and media convergence to mention but a few are benefits of digital technology. In conclusion, this paper suggests that for there to be seamless analogue to digital switchover, there is a need for Nigerian government to carry all the stake holders (both private and commercial broadcasting services) along. As well as provide support in terms of funding, infrastructure, security and even subsidize some of the materials that will be imported. This paper recommends that agencies concerned should expedite action to making sure that many people are aware of this initiative. Keynotes: Digitalization, ICT, media, digital switchover, and broadcasting 0150