Folayan, Bolu John & Ajibade, Olubunmi

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) have been taught at tertiary level in Africa for over a decade. In Nigeria, there are 65 TVET institutions comprising 18 Polytechnics, two private Monotechnics and four Colleges of Health Science & Technology and 33 Innovation Enterprise Institutions (IEIs) and eight Vocational Enterprise Institutions. Thus, TVET has incubated enough for its principles to transit rapidly from the labs to towns. Adoption of innovation requires the deployment of appropriate communication models, especially in rural Africa, where resistance to new ideas is high. The concept of ‘circular economy’ aims at efficient management of the Earth’s resources to make them sustainable. It involves harnessing raw materials such that they are reusable, protecting the environment and curtailing wastes. Despite success stories reported in many continents, the rate of adoption of the ‘circular economy’ in Africa is low. One of the reasons for this is lack of (and non- application of) indigenous, contextualized communication models. This study exposes the O-S-M-R (Oramedia, Social Media Receiver) Model, an indigenous African communication model developed by Folayan and Ajibade (2022). The paper showcases a homegrown model in development communication, for promoting circular economy and other development paradigm aims to promote C.A.R.E. (Conservation, Adaptation, Recycling and Efficiency) in rural areas of Africa. Keywords: Traditional, modern, communication, Oramedia, mass media, model 0150