Adesina Opeyemi Afunlehin & Samuel Omolola

The paper provides enlightenment on how to create a platform for designing, implementation of accurate reliability plan for maintenance and system operation. It will go a long way if organizations can engage in practical reliability engineering techniques to meet up with certain requirements for developmental progress in the field of engineering. Therefore, the paper has attempted to give out operable state and specified conditions that can provide insights which might be an asset in enhancing engineering sectors for determining mean time between failure (MTBF) so that necessary corrective and preventive maintenance may be carried out on repairable item before catastrophe failure occur. The purposeful objective of the paper provides analysis for a critical reliability research study with required data, knowing quite well that all reliable systems experience bathtub curve in at certain period of lifetime. Electrical and electronic equipment need servicing to prolong their time frame. With prediction of MTBF, the reliability of individual component that makes up the whole system can be determine if manufacturers provide essential data about the type of components and their failure rate. However, the paper gives illustration of how MTBF of electronic components is calculated based on available database. Also, reliability predictions have contributed immensely to the growth of industrialized organizations in dealing with electronic products of all kinds for trade-off service and standardization. Keywords: Engineering project, Reliability, MBTF, Failure rate, Maintenance, Database 0150